Sexy Geek Girl
Smart Is Sexy
internet and computer shortage
Me and David have just moved to our own apartment on Wednesday!! :)
The thing is, we don't have a phone line yet, so I can't connect to the internet, read emails and update my blog. I'm writing this at my parents house. We drove here to take some more stuff and say thanks to my parents. Both parents (mine and David's) are being a huge help to us. We wouldn't have been able to do this without them! Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!

I hope to return to the net at the end of the week (only god knows when we will get the phone line we ordered...). Hold your fingers crossed for us :)

(we also bought a new computer. YAY!!)

Racheli @ Saturday, March 31 2001, 12:43 | link |

new wise words, and more...
I forgot to say there are new wise words!
Check out some BlackAdder quotes while you're at it, too.

I'm trying to create a design for the online journal I want to start. I'm stumped! I know what kind of colors I want to use, but the layout I came up with seem so boring... Bleh.

Racheli @ Sunday, March 25 2001, 21:31 | link |

moving week and more links.
This week will be the big Moving Week. We are supposed to sign the contract on Tuesday and move our stuff to the apartment on Wednesday and Thursday. It's much harder than I thought it would be, and everything is going along a lot slower. Let's hope things will turn out fine.

I have some interesting sites to share with you today, most of them are directories or reference sites.

adflip claims to be the world's largest archive of classic print ads. The site is really great, and if you'll search for the word "computer" you'll find an ad selling "64KB RAM for $1495".

clichè offers a vast list of clichès and their meaning. Today's "Clichè of the Day" is "He is toast".

Tongue Twisters are fun! Try them out in 86 languages :)

If you have some time in your hands, here's a list of online personality tests you can take.

s h i n k a n s e n is a beautiful online journal. The design is absolutely gorgeous and she writes very well too. It makes me think so poorly of my own.

Racheli @ Sunday, March 25 2001, 21:24 | link |

some sites to blog about....
I just had the bus ride from hell and I've got a splitting headache, so I'll make this short....

Wren has a gorgeous new domain, spendthrift genius. I really like the way she writes.

I love Lain's and Scribbly Box Comic. Give us more of that comic!! is a lovely domain I found through Wren.

Kitty now offers cool postcards from her domain.

That's all for today, folks. Before I say good night, I just want to state that I've seen the same Mir footage over and over again during the entire weekend. I know it's exciting stuff, but it tends to be less and less exciting when you see it for the 8th time already. Please stop. Thank you.

Racheli @ Sunday, March 25 2001, 00:10 | link |

off to David's....
I've put my M.Sc registration form in the mail today... Wow. I'm so looking forward to start studying again. I hope my job won't interfere with my studies and vice versa. I want to go as high as a Ph.D, maybe even higher ;-)

It's Thursday today, and I'm off to David's place. Soon we will have our own place.

I've checked my domains status yesterday. I own 9 domains (!!), and I'm constantly reaching out and thinking of buying more. At splorp there's a list of available domain names that might suit your blog or your personal site. They are too "cool" for me, though. I'll go with something more magical and girlie.

BTW, The domains I own are:, .net, .org (holds my personal website), .net, .org (holds nothing, but I have plans) (where you are at now - my weblog) (will hold my journal) (will hold a zine I'm working on)

I wanted to buy but It was taken :-/

Racheli @ Thursday, March 22 2001, 17:58 | link |

lousy day and the domain name
In comparison to yesterday, I had a lousy day today. I took the bus to Tel Aviv University (where I plan to do my M.Sc degree in Management Sciences, majoring in Information Systems). I needed them to authorize that my documents copies are identical to the documents themselves. A 10 minutes job, BUT I took me an hour to get there, and I had to wait another hour because they only open at 10:00. THEN I waited for a bus back to work for 20 minutes and it took me an additional hour to get back to work. Blah Blah Blah. When I was finally about to go home, a client called with an urgent problem. Luckily, it was solved miraculously without our intervention.

Today's sites are dedicated to my domain name. Two sites by geek girls and one site about sex.

I remember reading Lisa's site along time ago - Girls Who Wear Glasses. She's got two funny articles about courting geek girls and about geek couples. Every word is true, believe me :) Her wedding page is interesting too. is the sweet site of Naomi, a biology geek.
This is hilarious: 25 Weird Sex Laws.

I hope you feel better than I do.

Racheli @ Monday, March 19 2001, 22:26 | link |

The magical Narnia

The website has transferred the magic of Narnia to the web. The site itself is beautiful and filled with lovely illustrations and interesting information about C.S. Lewis and the books.

"The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe" has always been one of my favorite books. I should read it again sometime.... I've read some of the other Narnia books, but that was a long time ago and I don't remember a thing. I should get back to that too.

Racheli @ Sunday, March 18 2001, 22:51 | link |

A glorious day.... and some more.
Today I attended a DECUS (the Compaq Users Society) SIG - Special Interest Group. The subject was internet & e-commerse. It was quite interesting, besides the first lecture about search engines comparison (I fell asleep. In uni I took a seminar in information retrieval and since then I have a nice amount of knowledge on the subject of searching. Besides, the lecturer was oh-so dull). I haven't stayed for the BizTalk lecture because I've already attended 2 lectures on the subject in the last year, and enough is enough. The rest was interesting though.

Afterwards I went to the mall nearby, and then home. A Glorious Day.

Talking about glorious days, check out gloriousday. Very nice.

Compaq explains Where is the ANY key.

Read the Top 10 Tips on Writing Effective Email and follow.

This is hilarious - Molecules with Silly or Unusual Names. Chemistry was always one of my favorite subjects :)

Racheli @ Sunday, March 18 2001, 22:30 | link |

links recap
I've decided to start blogging by recalling my most favorite sites. Enjoy :)

Blogs and Journals

I really must insist you leave

Loobylu's room to move


Play for Today

Fun Fun Fun

PopCap online games


Don't forget to visit my perosnal website - Bits of Magic.

Racheli @ Saturday, March 17 2001, 21:26 | link |

The beginning
A few months ago I aquired the domain, where you're at now. David came up with the domain name, and I hurried and registered it. At First, I was planning to turn it into a zine about relationships and geeks.
The months passed and the domain remained idle, until....

I looked at my (former) messy blog,, infested with broken links, incorrect info and old design. I wasn't even sure whether I still liked the name. Suddenly, a light bolb flashed above my head: Why not recreate my blog at, with a new design and attitude? "Great Idea!", I thought, and started executing immediately.

Although startled by its multiple templates, I've decided to make the transition from Blogger to GreyMatter. It wasn't as hard as I thought, and I'm loving it. I plan to migrate most of the links I posted during my blogging life and start anew in a few days.

Racheli @ Wednesday, March 14 2001, 21:11 | link |